A New World is Upon Us Are You Ready?

The environment, financial intuitions, weather seasons, social, and our planet’s structure is changing before our very eyes.

There is a new world awakening out there that most of us know nothing about and how will it be.

1/1/2009 =11/11 ~ Is the date when we started the acceleration towards merging and transforming with the One.

It is now the year 2011 and the acceleration is increasing more and more every day and people seem to be facing bigger challenges than ever before.

We will see many more changes between now and 2012 and beyond and we have to be prepared for these changes as these changes will bring even greater challenges to all of us.

What used to work before will not work now, and never will again. The rules of, the game of life has changed and if you do not know the new rules of the game, you will be left in the dark, unable to create what you want.

For this reason we are looking to do a series of workshops to help people through these challenging times. The workshops will start in the first week of July 2011 with an intro workshop that will be an overview of our all our other workshops to come.

This information is vital to our evolution as human beings and needs to be shared with everyone who is willing to listen. Thus we will be making our workshops very cost-effective so it is affordable to everyone.

The first intro workshop will be R790.00 for the day and it will be held in Johannesburg.

We will be releasing a news bulletin soon giving you more information on these workshops.

What I can tell you now is that the workshops will be completely different to what you have heard before.

The rituals and most of the manifestation and self-help techniques you use in this present day you will find no longer works. A complete new view and approach has to be taken if you wish to progress with the new world that is emerging.

What I will say now is that the time of angels, guides, ascended master and other inter-dimensional beings including gurus to help you solve your problems are gone.

The good intension ones that are aligned with the ONE will stand back and observe you and let you take your own course of action with no help or interference. The ones with their own agenda will still advise you and tell you what to do.

The time has come for you to venture inwards and find your divine self, as it is the ONLY ONE that has your answers and road map to your freedom.

There is nothing on the outside of you that can help you through this journey of awakening or come and save you.

Only the tools and information that takes you on this inward Journey will be of value to you, discard everything else.

Always remember you are in your own bubble world and everything in that bubble is you. The choices you make from this point on will determine what your bubble world is going to be.

It is all up to your individual self – you have to reconnect to your More Aware Self, which is you on a higher level, as this is the part of you that has your personal blue print for your awakening process. My blue print is for me and your blue print is for you so it is only your higher self that has your answers now.

Each person will make their own choice and it will be their choice that will determine their progress. We must understand that we cannot take anyone with us on this journey; everyone will be responsible for their own actions and behavior.

At the same time if others do not want to flow with the new world and want to hold on to the old way we must respect their choices, as whatever they send out will be returned to them at super speed. We can have compassion for them with the understanding that they will have to awaken themselves as we cannot force them or do it for them.

If they ask for help, we can support them if they are willing to walk the same path as you back to the ONE if they keep resisting, love them for their chosen experience and let them be.

You can wait for them if you choose to do so, as always everything is a choice, but if you wait for them, remember you will remain in their frequency level and therefore experience a world at that frequency level.

As we awaken more and more we will have to have our focus on our state of being and not our outer circumstance. If we keep the focus on our circumstances, we will find our lives become more and more challenging and difficult. If we keep the focus on our state of being we will create all that we wish to be and have.

The time is now, and the sand has run through the hour-glass, if you are reading this you are one of the forerunners in this awakening and you are going through this process first, so you will have the knowledge and the information to share with the other souls as they go through this process at their own time at a later stage.

At this moment in time we are witnessing the awakening of our planet’s creative heart centers located at the border of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and in the center of the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. As we can see, this awakening that is caused by the expanding energy flow from the heart centres is causing chaos.

If you put a compass at the Iraq / Saudi heart centre and draw a circle you will see every country in the circle is in chaos and change. The main theme is the end of control and suppression of others. Where one person rules over the land and its people in tyranny for their own thirst for power and greed is coming to an end.

This is a reflection of our own heart centre awakening, thus allowing us to let go of control over our own lives and surrender our ego to our More Aware Self – the part of us that is in a higher awareness state and connected to the ONE. This will result in the More Aware Self fully awaken the ego, and integrate it with all of its ONENESS self.

When the Pacific Ocean heart centre in the centre of the ring of fire releases the built up energy it receives from the sun, it will send waves of energy through the Pacific Ocean causing the Pacific plate to move more and more, and create a chain reaction in the ring of fire, causing more natural disasters in this area.

This is only the beginning of the massive changes that we will witness in the coming years and decades. This process is going to happen with or without us flowing with the change. The choice is up to each individual ONE of us which direction we will take.

If you are interested in attending our intro workshop please contact me on 011 452 7906 or 082 859 7808 or email me at info@the-secret-of-manifestation.org

Also visit our new blog and book mark it http://www.the-secret-of-manifestation.org as we will soon be adding information from time to time.

Please join the RSS feed and every time we add info you will be notified by email.

We would also like your input on manifestation. If you would like to write an article on manifestation or awakening forward it to me and I will add it to the blog and accredit you and add a link to a webpage of your choice.

If you would like to become a regular author, let me know and we can post all you articles for you on the blog. Please make the articles unique and not duplicates of other websites on the net, as all duplicates will be discarded. Rather write an original article with a link to the website that contains your other articles.

May you find peace and abundance in your journey of Awakening to Oneness

About the Author:  My name is Paul Birnie, and I am the creator of ‘ The Secret of Manifestation”.  I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this article. Please feel free to share this article, as The Secret of Manifestation is dedicated to sharing information on spiritual awakening subjects. I am also the creator of the Oneness Pendant and writer of the book “The Secret of Manifestation’ that can be purchased at http://www.onenesspendants.com

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