The 2 Aspects of You

Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? or are we humans having a human experience? or are we a human being on a spiritual quest?

Ascension-DayToday I have turn 49 years young, and as I look back through the journey of my life I can see many changes through out the past 49 years. I have had many different personalities, physical appearances, beliefs, emotions, thoughts, persona’s, and environments at one time or another.

But yet, as I stand in front of the mirror and see a completely different person to whom I was when I was 20 years young, there is still something about me that has never changed, something that was never young or old. The something that seems to always be there, seems to be viewing and experiencing the world through all my different persona’s that I have been over all these years.

Maybe you understand and have also experience what I am talking about or maybe not; if you are around my age or older you properly have. I say this because it is by only recognising the changes of my different persona’s and all their different characteristics that I am able to witness and experience this something that remains constant.

This something has been with me through many times of joy, sadness, laughter, frustration, failures, and success. It has always been there to support my many different persona’s through the many challenges of my life’s journey and I am confident that it will be there for future challenges.

My life journey is constantly changing, which resonates with the 4 th law of the Omni-verse (the only constant is change, except for the first there laws) and changes can come with challenges of oneself to adapt and go with the flow of change.

In my opinion change is necessary as a creator of the ONE BEING, as without change how can we expand who we are and experience our potential as creators.

Having said this what is this something?

I believe this something is the essence of who I really am – “The divine spark of the ONE” the true me. The divine spark is an aspect of the ONE which the ONE experiences its infinite creations through.

Without its divine sparks it would not exist, the same as without photons light would not exist. The photons are the light and the light is the photons which is the same as the divine sparks are the ONE and the ONE is the divine sparks.

Therefore the essence that I am that perceives the world through my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin is the ONE BEING and we are ALL that ONE being. We are not our persona’s, personalities, bodies, mind, thoughts emotions, beliefs, or behaviours. We are not our jobs, business, our car, our family, our friends, or our environment; these are all the imaginations of our true self; the divine spark.

Therefore if we truly wish to create a fulfilled life of happiness, joy, and abundance, we have to become the divine essence again and stop defining ourselves as the results of the imagination of our essence.

Maybe it is time to stop behaving, thinking, and acting like limited, fearful, humans and start to become the unlimited powerful creators that we are. To let go all our attachments to our physical world so the results of our imagination does not have power over us, thus return our creative power back to our essence; the divine spark and create an experience that is in more alignment of the real us.

As one of my favorite quotes from Bashar goes

“Circumstance does not matter, state of being matters”

Hence the answer to the question.

Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? or are we humans having a human experience? or are we a human being on a spiritual quest?

Answer: We are spiritual beings having a human experience. “How can we be a human being on a spiritual quest as we are already that which we seek to find”.

Here is a table that I have drawn up to show us the 2 aspects of ourselves.

Read it and ask yourself the following question.

Which aspect do I prefer to be and create from, the human being or the oneness being?

The Human Being – The Projection

  • The ego in control
  • I Am
  • Separated
  • The Persona
  • Personality
  • Physical Mind
  • Beliefs
  • Physical Body
  • Thoughts
  • Emotion
  • Past and Future
  • Memories
  • Form
  • Created – Soul Extension

Creating from the Human Being

  • Ego is in control
  • It is separate from its creation, there is them and it
  • Focus on future outcomes is the driving force, sets goals, plans and structure.
  • Creates with physical mind and emotions. (Will Power)
  • Works hard and invests huge amounts of energy and time
  • It defines its self by its creations.
  • It fears loss of its creations therefore its creation’s are always at risk.
  • The intension of its manifestation is to be fulfilled
  • Circumstances matters
  • It believes its reality to be real and is finite.

If you are being the Human Being, why not be the Oneness Being instead and why not start today.

Have a Great Day Paul

The Oneness Being – True Self

  • The Spirit Being
  • Oneness
  • Connected to all
  • The Divine Spark
  • The Soul
  • The Higher Mind
  • State of Being
  • Infinite potential
  • Information – Energy
  • Awareness – Feelings
  • Present Moment
  • Knowing
  • Formlessness
  • Creator of Soul and Human

Creating from the Oneness Being

  • Higher mind and Oneness self is in control
  • Its creation – environment persona and other persona’s are all one creation
  • Creates with inspiration, passion and joy focusing on the now.
  • Creates with dreams, imagination and feelings.
  • Uses the applicable amount of time and energy required.
  • It discovers its potential as a creator.
  • It knows that change is constant (the 4 th law of the Omni-verse) and revels in the excitement of it.
  • It natural state of being is fulfillment.
  • State of being matters
  • It knows it is infinite and all its creations are illusions.



About the Author:  My name is Paul Birnie, and I am the creator of ‘ The Secret of Manifestation”.  I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this article. Please feel free to share this article, as The Secret of Manifestation is dedicated to sharing information on spiritual awakening subjects. I am also the creator of the Oneness Pendant and writer of the book “The Secret of Manifestation’ that can be purchased at

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