How to Lose Weight Permanently by Using Spiritual Ideology

Hello everyone.  In response to popular request I’m going to do today’s video on obesity and weight gain.

Now, I am going to start this video with a truth.  The truth is there is a reason that you have excess weight.

We like to use excuses in our society, such as I have a slow metabolism, I over eat, or it’s about my genetics but none of these conditions is what actually causes obesity and weight gain. Weight gain is an external reflection of a deep internal problem.

The difficult truth which we must face when we’re looking at weight loss, is there is a reason that your body thinks that it needs the weight that it has.  Otherwise, you wouldn’t have it.  So there’s a reason that you think you need the excess weight.

So the question you can ask yourself is “why do I need this weight, what is the positive intention for having it?”

Sit for a while with this question.  Let the answer surface.  You might be surprised what answer you receive.

The only lasting way to release weight is to discover what need is underneath the reason that you have excess weight and to release that need so the need no longer exists.  The only way to release excess weight is to discover and release the need that is causing that excess weight, the root that is causing all of it.  If you release that need the body will no longer put on weight because it has no use for it.

In order to explain this, I’m going to explain an observation which I have made over the years helping people with obesity.

Everyone I have ever met that is overweight or obese feels a deep eternal need for emotional protection.  They run away from and make excuses for their feelings, they live in an internal world of insecurity and many of them have run away from those feelings so long they aren’t even aware of them.

The number two reason for being overweight is chronic self-denial.  This comes in the form of denying the self from what one truly wants and who one truly is but more importantly the form of depriving oneself of what one desires.

Many people who are overweight do not feel that they deserve what they desire.  Their form of self-punishment is deprival, they deny themselves of what they need and want based on principle or belief, and feel such a sense of internal starvation and lack from that self-denial that their body responds by feeling that it must save because it will be denied.  And what does the body save and store when it feels it will be starved in the future?  Fat.

Here are some other causes for excess weight and obesity:

Feelings of insecurity, self-rejection, wanting to protect the body from someone or something, attempting to fill a void within, feelings being stuffed down and not expressed, the feeling that you cannot express the truth of who you are, seeking love and fulfillment but being convinced it will not come from the outside. Using food as a substitute for affection, inability to admit to yourself or others what you truly desire. Feeling a lack in an aspect of your life so great that you are trying to overcompensate, craving closeness and being loved/held but feeling that you will not get it so you have to simulate that feeling of closeness or being held tightly by fat. Putting up emotional armor so nothing gets in, suppressed anger and resentment and the desire for power and bigness, so someone isn’t taken advantage of.

Look to release these underlying causes of weight gain and of obesity and your body will no longer need the weight and everything else you do will just be icing on the cake.

People get different results from eating food because people have a different vibrational set point relative to food and relative to their body.

So I want to explain something that I’m seeing, because I’m able to see the world in a vibrational manner.  When you watch someone and they take a bit of food and they put it to their lips and their idea they have in their head, their belief that food is going to make them fatter, then it will.  They have a love/hate relationship with food so they will gain weight no matter what they do eat or don’t eat.

However, if you meet a person who puts the food to their mouth and they’re in an aspect of appreciation, they don’t think of the food as making them fat, it’s not even a thought that is entering their head. This person could probably eat three pieces of chocolate cake and be no different in terms of physical appearance than they were in the first place.

It is your idea your belief relative to fatness that creates everything in this reality.  If you believe the food will make you fat, then it will.  If you do not believe the food will make you fat, then it won’t.  So you see how we are stuck in a vibrational holding pattern.

So believe me, when I tell you metabolism has absolutely nothing to do with it and the key to losing weight is to find out how to release resistance to the thoughts that are holding you in a vibrational match to that weight.

It is very important to understand that you cannot eat foods that you think will make you fat and get skinny.  You also can’t think thoughts relative to your body that you are fat and get skinny, that’s a vibration contradiction.

Resist the weight and it will stay there, focus on all the things that don’t work, all the things you’ve tried, focus on the fat you do have and you will get more of it.  Resistance is the reason that most diet plans don’t work well, you’re not doing things from the standpoint of the allowing and joy.  Instead, you’re fighting against the fat.  You put yourself on diets that don’t feel good to do, they’re hard to do, you end up feelings that you are depriving yourself and so you’re pointed in the opposite direction of joy and you simply can’t maintain that, it nullifies the whole entire purgative of weight loss.

The only reason you want to lose weight is you think it will make you happy if you lose weight.  So if what you are doing to lose weight makes you less happy, you are pulled in the opposite direction of weight loss and happiness.

We may think that we are going about it the right way, but we aren’t. I promise you that when it comes to weight loss, that the harder you try to lose the weight the worse everything will get. You will not be able to lose weight because that desperacy you feel, that desire which is so intense within you that you feel the acute lack of it, is resistance and anything we resist persists.

The issue with weight gain is you want something you know you don’t have and the more you focus on how bad you want it, the more aware you are to your position relative to that thing you want, which is how much you lack what you want.

So if you really, really want something that you are really, really aware you don’t have, you activate the side of the equation that more believable to you. In other words you activate the side of the equation which is already activated, which is the lack of what you want.

It is understandable, you are standing in your life looking at the proof which is the lack of what you want, in this case excess weight and so you feed that side of the equation.

Loosing weight is all about releasing resistance to the current weight, which you have, it is about finding any way you can to fall in love with yourself.  Now, right now you can’t look into the mirror and say “wow, I am absolutely gorgeous, I am the perfect weight.”  That would be lying to yourself because you don’t actually believe that, but you can choose to focus on yourself in terms of things you do believe, which are on the way to total self-love of your body image.  From there, you can incrementally take steps to go in the direction of the body image which you really identify with, the one you want to have, but this time it will come from a space of wanting to allow yourself to achieve a body image which you enjoy because you love yourself not because you hate yourself.

I am going to reiterate that again.  Real weight loss is weight loss, which occurs because you love yourself and you want yourself to feel good.  It does not come from the space of hating yourself and wanting yourself to be different.  I’m going to reiterate it again, that the entire reality you live in, is the byproduct of your thoughts and so we said many times that you cannot make up for an action what you lack in focus.

However, when it comes to something like your body you can use actions to help improve your mentality vibrationally.  What this means is you can pick small actions everyday which will cause you to vibrationally feel better relative to weight gain and by doing that you will increase your vibration, which will then lead you towards more inspired actions to take and those actions you take towards weight loss will then increase your vibration and your mental set point relative to weight loss and so it will snowball in the correct direction.

There is a pain cycle that exists relative to food and relative to gaining weight and it goes like this:  you know, you believe some that food is going to make you fat but in the moment the need to feel that internal void filling up, instead of existing there, the need to fill it up with something that makes you feel less empty inside is more intense than your desire and your need to be skinny.

So in the moment you have competing needs and so you put it in your mouth and then you feel that sinking guilt.  I understand this process and you are not in this process alone that is the one thing which most people who are overweight feel like because if you are overweight and feel resistant towards it you’ll attract all kinds of skinny friends that can eat anything they want and you’ll be convinced you’re the only one that feels this way, but I promise you, you aren’t.

There are many people on this planet that are stuck in the same cycle, and in reality anybody that suffers from any kind of addiction is stuck in this cycle as well.  So we’re all in this boat together.

It’s important to understand that when it comes to losing weight you have to be motivated from the inside and not the outside.  It’s also important that you leave everyone else out of the equation.  What that means is it doesn’t matter what somebody did to lose weight or what diet they were on to lose weight.  When it comes to losing weight there is only you and you and your experience has nothing to do with anyone else’s experience.  So all you need to do is examine your beliefs relative to how you think right now that you will lose or gain weight and then going in the direction of that.  Leave everyone else out of it.  Their experience has nothing to do with yours.

So in terms of actions, here’s the problem most people trying to lose weight, they get on very difficult diet routines, very difficult exercise routines as if we are not even training, we are just sending someone straight to Everest and expecting them to summit.  This is not how it’s going to work because you’re dealing with an awful lot of resistance.  And if you have ever done a diet program or a difficult exercise program before you know there is nothing that creates more resistance than doing something that is currently beyond your means.  You’re going to feel like you are punishing yourself, you’re going to feel like you are depriving yourself, so you will actually be introducing more resistance and so you can’t stick with it.

The human being goes in the direction of what feels good.  So anything that is too difficult to do, you will not maintain, you will not stick with it.  This is why people yoyo in weight so much when they try new diet plans, when they say “I’ve tried everything.”

The reason it keeps going back is because they have tried to do things that are too difficult than where they currently are.  So the way to go about weight loss is to take everyday and set simple goals, one goal a day or two goals a day.  That is it, anything you can manage that seems achievable, not something which is way out of sight, not something like Everest, something very small.  So for some people this might look like, today I’m going to eat an apple, everything else in my life might stay the same, I might be eating the same foods throughout the day, I might not exercise all day long but I’m adding an apple to my diet.  Now when they eat that apple they have some kind of achievement and that’s going to feel good and so because they associate that action with feeling good not bad or depriving themselves then they will be motivated.

So play this game with yourself.  Each day I want you to set an achievable, incremental goal.  Today it might look like walking around the block, next week it might look like walking around two blocks.  If you keep doing these simple steps, setting these achievable goals which keep you motivated to go in the direction of weight loss because it feels good to you in the process of it and in the achievement of it, then pretty soon your next goal will be a half marathon.  Pretty soon you will be standing in front of the mirror and you will be looking at the exact image you want the world to see.

What is the key to weight loss when it comes to action?  It is to do little, simple, achievable things that you believe will help you lose weight.  Do not do things that feel like punishment or self-deprival. Simply do the things that you feel motivated and excited to do.  It doesn’t matter what you do to lose weight.  Simply take the steps that you believe will help you lose weight such as eliminating all meat from your diet, eliminating dairy from your diet, adding vegetable to your diet, adding fruits to your diet, adding healthy fats to your diet such as nuts and coconut oil, removing unhealthy fats from your diet such as lard, Crisco, vegetable oil or butter, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, spending time outdoors, doing a cleanse, or taking up a sport.

When it comes to taking up a sport it’s incredibly important that you do something that you enjoy to do, this is the bottom line when it comes to weight loss and exercise.  If you don’t enjoy exercise you will not be exercising for very long and it will feel like self-punishment every time you do it.  So what I want you to do, is I want you to find an activity that you enjoy.  Don’t make it about the exercise.  Have the exercise be a happy side benefit of all of it.  So maybe you might try tennis and you really love tennis.  So the fact that you are exercising when you are doing tennis is just a bonus.  That’s the kind of thing you want to look for when it comes to exercise.  Otherwise, you are going to be going at weight loss yet again and an exercise yet again from a standpoint of resistance instead of a standpoint of adding to your own joy.

So I want to take a bit of time to tell you about the difference between your body and your mind and I promise it’s only going to take a second because it goes like this:  there is no difference between your body and your mind.  Your body is a direct reflection of your mind; your reality is a direct reflection of your beliefs.  So if you can work around with your beliefs, alter the thoughts you are thinking your body must follow suit.

We need to stop approaching weight loss in the way we approach it now.  You cannot spend your life being driven to action by what you do not want.  So the moral of the story is stop struggling against the weight you do not want.  Think any thought you can think, without lying to yourself that helps you to make peace with the weight you currently have and then work to transform the root need for this weight.  After that you can move towards the body image you desire by doing things that pull you in that direction, that feel good to do, that you’re excited to do, that you believe will work so that when you do them, you feel the momentum of those actions.  From there, everything’s easy.  You can let the actions make you feel better and feeling better will inspire you towards better action and so on and so forth until one day and you may not even realize it, your body will be the embodiment of your desire for it.

Stop evaluating yourself towards according to the opinions and perspectives and ideals of others.  Most of us do this, so I understand it’s a bit of a tall order.  But most of us spend our lives comparing ourselves to the perspectives of other people, other people who have photo shop.  As you can understand that is incredibly self-hating and you can’t lose weight from an aspect of self-hate.  You can’t hate the fat and get rid of the fat because you are resisting it and whatever you resist persists.  It is my desire to have you understand that they body you are in is absolutely perfect.  There is nothing about it that needs to change but at the same time you deserve to have whatever body image you desire to have in this life and there is nothing preventing you from it.

About the Author
In 2012 Teal founded Headway Foundation, a nonprofit company that enables ideas, goals and ventures aimed at positive world change to come to fruition. In the years to come, Headway Foundation will encompass programs, centers, companies and products in the areas of justice reform, education, end of life care, self-help, healing, parenting, integrative medicine, food industry reform and spirituality


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