Transformation of Consciousness, What Does it Mean?


Transformation of consciousness, we hear this phrase all the time, but what does it really mean?

First, let us take a look at what is described in the dictionary; the meaning of “transformation” – process of change, the state of being transformed, change the form or the appearance, nature or character. The meaning of “ consciousness” is the state of being conscious; awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings and acute awareness. Put this together and it means a change in state of  being, state of awareness and becoming more or less aware of oneself.

The 5th law of the 5 laws of ‘all that is’, change/transformation is the only constant, except for the first four laws’.

The 5 Laws of Oneness, ‘all that is”  by Bashar:

1) You exist.

2) The One is the All. The All are the One.

3) What you put out is what you get back.

4) There is only the now.

5) Change is the only constant, except for the first 4 laws.

This means that you are always in a state of transformation of consciousness, may it be you moving in the direction of more or less aware of one’s total self (true self).

In our four-dimensional space-time reality, we are less aware of one’s true self than a dimension that is higher in vibration than ours. This is not to say that the beings that are experiencing the higher vibrational realities are more evolved beings, more powerful or superior to us, of course not. All it means is that we are having a different experience than they are. That is why the theory of old and young souls is ridiculous. I apologize to all of you that thought you were an old soul, you might be an old soul at this game, but in the oneness of everything, you are the same as everyone else, like it or not.

Everything was created at exactly the same moment and we are experiencing that moment continuously from a different perception of that moment.

All levels of the vibratory ONE are just different levels of vibratory experiences, whereby you can go up or down the levels of frequencies and experience many different realities.

In our reality there are beings on the way down and beings on the way up, so no more judging… we are all souls having different experiences. If you are reading this, you are more than likely on the way up a level and that is why you are interested about the information of awakening.

The transformation of consciousness you are experiencing at this moment in time, is a rise in your soul’s vibration to a higher level, which means you are awakening from the illusion of separation and are starting to realize the unity with all that exists.

So what does this mean in your life, it means that there is going to be massive changes in your beliefs, emotions, thoughts, behavior and external reality as you transform your consciousness. You will be challenged in many different areas in your life to see if you really believe that this reality is an illusion and that in fact, you are a soul that is experiencing a low vibratory reality.

Some of the challenges are not easy, and how you respond to them will determine the transformation of your consciousness.

If you want to awaken and move up a frequency level, then you are going to have to face all the challenges that might arise from your awakening experience. If you would rather not, then go back to sleep and let it all be, which is also an acceptable choice, as nothing terrible is going to happen to you.

You cannot fail at anything, as there is nothing to fail at.

All is perfect that is created by the ONE and every soul returns back to the ONE, this is guaranteed – you can always do it at a later stage.

All it means is that you will create the same reality that you vibrate at, the choice is always yours.

So many spiritual people say to me that they are spiritual beings having a physical experience, meaning I AM A SPIRITUAL BEING playing an illusionary game that is not real at all.

However, what I have noticed is that they only speak this concept from their mind and they do not believe this, at the core of their being.

How do I know this?

I know this because when they are challenged by an uncomfortable life experience, this belief goes out the window and all of a sudden this reality is real, very real indeed.

They quickly become attached to their life, with comments like; “my life is a mess, everything is going wrong, I am only human, I am suffering, my partner left me, I have no money, I have no job, I have no friends, I have been retrenched, I am bankrupt, I have to close my business, my mother or father is giving me a hard time, I am always being treated unfair, I’m sick and tired, the world and my life is hard”, and so on……..

Because they get emotionally attached to these experiences, it makes their world real, and they believe they are a human being and not a spiritual being having a physical experience.

In other words, the egotic self (The personality construct) has control of their persona, the illusionary human being that they believe to be the real them.

What I am about to tell you, you might not believe, but here goes anyway.


These situations are showing you what you believe about yourself and your world at the core of your being. In other words, this is the information you have stored in your subconscious, unconscious and consciousness self that is creating your life, remember the third law.

3) What you put out is what you get back.

These chaotic situations are giving you the opportunity to become aware that you have beliefs, thoughts and emotions that are not in-alignment with your true self. The unaligned beliefs, thoughts and emotions that have constructed your personality construct have been created and sustained by the hidden low vibratory frequencies of the soul’s blueprint that is embedded within your soul consciousness. And it is the combination of that soul blueprint and personality construct that is holding you as a soul in a low vibratory experience, whereby it is preventing you to transform your soul’s consciousness to a higher vibratory level.

The low vibratory combination of soul blueprint and personality construct is showing its self to you in the mirror of the vibratory Oneness which is the part of you that you call your life experiences, your world.

The low vibratory combination through reflection is saying; “Look at me, I am showing myself to you right now in the present moment, for you to transform me and therefore transform your consciousness to a higher vibratory level”.

However, because you do not truly believe the truth at the core of your being that in fact, you are a soul playing an illusionary game, you react to the chaotic experiences with anger, bitterness, fear and so on, thus locking your soul into more chaotic life experiences.

You feed, empower and reinforce the low vibratory soul blueprint and unaligned beliefs, thoughts and emotions of the personality construct by your reaction to the life experiences, whereby they  are recycled and shown back to you as another life experience in a more powerful and profound manner.

Yet again, you are given another chance to become more aware of them and transform them and your soul’s state of being into a higher vibratory being.

Basically, the chaos is just a projection of the soul’s blueprint and low vibratory beliefs of the personality construct that are resurfacing in a more profound and intense manner, so that you as a soul can become aware of them and transform them into a blueprint and a belief system that is in more alignment with your true self, thus creating new high vibratory experiences for the soul to experience.

The process of transformation and reflecting as new life experiences are  all part and parcel of the soul’s consciousness evolution, as it evolves into a higher state of being.

The only problem is that we see the change as negative and get ourselves trapped in the chaos, thus repeating the same life themes over and over again. Another example of this chaos being transformed into a higher vibratory system, is when a business is about to transform and expand into a new and more magnificent business. After the business has been running for a period of time, there comes a point it needs to have its structure reconstructed, to allow the business consciousness to evolve into a higher vibratory state of being, which of course will be reflected as a more improved and expanded business.

The reconstruction will consists of old systems and mechanisms of the business changing that can give an appearance of chaos in the business, as clients, employees, and other physical structures of the business seem to disappear or radically change.

However, sometimes when this takes place, the business owners and even the employees of the business do not see the truth that the business consciousness is only going through transformation from one frequency state to another. And during the transformational period they get attached emotionally to the business transformation and automatically go into fear, thus creating the collapse of the business due to their reaction and actions.

Sometimes the business might go into chaos and collapse, to allow the owners to create some totally new concept or a new expression for the soul to experience, as the one they are experiencing is becoming static and not expanding.

Of course, there is the other simple reason, the business is just reflecting the collective state of being of the owners of the business and all aspects related to business. These reflective state of being give the owners the opportunity to transform their soul and personality construct to a more self-serving system that would create a business in alignment with their true self, ONENESS.

There is only one thing to do when a person or a business goes through such a transformation, and that is for the participants to not get negatively emotionally attached to the transformational experience. It is advisable for the participants to rather stay calm, aware, confident and go with the flow of the transformation, whereby they will be connected to the higher aspects of themselves, who will guide them safely through the transition of one vibratory state to another.

The negative reaction and action only locks the participants into a chaotic experience that can spiral into more and more chaotic experiences in other areas of their life, thus entrapping them in forever recycling negative life experiences.

For me, if this happens, I will rather stick to the positive reaction an action scenario, as the universe is always in constant change, as this is its natural state of being. Therefore, allow it to flow in that direction and stop resisting the change, as change is a fundamental part of your being.

There are many reasons why chaos can overpower you, thus create your outer experience, here are some.

You keep buying into the belief that this place you exist in is real.

You truly do not believe that you are the creator of ALL your experiences and there is nobody else in your reality, only YOU.

You do not truly believe you are a soul having a physical experience.

You are always trying to control your life, and if something does not go the way you planned it, you have an emotional reaction to it.

You live on expectations and when your expectations let you down; you feel a failure or that someone has failed you.

You are addicted to your emotions through the attachment to your life.

You are attached to and identify with as you, your job, money, boy or girl friend, husband or wife, your career, religion, spirituality, ascension angels, arc angels, your body, your persona, children, house, car, material objects, the planet, animals, etc.

You do not want to believe the truth that all the above mentioned is to be loved and enjoyed in the moment, without attachment and know that you will not experience all of them forever. Change is inevitable, and when the change comes you will react to it as a soul and Oneness being and not a human being.

When your life is in chaos, you do not pause and say ‘thank you for showing yourself, now I will help you to transform, as you are a part of me’.

You continuously judge yourself, other people, times, places, events and your life experiences.

You are always living in the past and the future and never in the present moment.

You are not trusting yourself to live in the now, as you need to know what the future holds for you and blame the past for your short comings.

You believe in spiritual beliefs that take you out of alignment with who you really are.

You believe that you have to have something or do something, to fulfil you.

You do not believe that the day you were born you were born perfect and successful.

You are always comparing yourself to your outer reality.

You run on automatic pilot and you are not AWARE of how you interact with your environment.

You want other beings, angels and entities to sort out your issues for you. They are there to help you, not to do it for you. So next time, please find your own parking space or ask them to teach you how to create it for yourself!! Do not rely on your guides to do it for you.

You think once you have solved an issue, it is gone forever, when the truth is that it can appear anytime in your life to see how you react to it; testing your belief on that specific issue to see if it has really been transformed. Let us have a look at the previous statement; this is one of the biggest stumbling blocks why you cannot fully transform your consciousness to the higher level.

Let us say; you have worked on an issue for a long period of time and you now have the belief that the issue has been resolved. Then all of a sudden the issue is back in your space, why is this you may ask?

What actually happens is; once you believe you have transformed the issue, an echo comes back later in the future to test your response, to see whether or not that you have in fact transformed the belief or the issue.

If you have a positive or neutral reaction, then it has fully transformed, it may still come back for reinforcement later on, but you are alright with that, because it has no effect on you; RIGHT?

If you have a negative emotional response to the belief or the issue, more work is required, to transform it, as there are normally hidden frequencies that have been embedded within your soul for eons that are sustaining the life experiences.

I want you to understand that, it is not what you are experiencing in your life that determines the transformation of consciousness; it is your reaction to the experience in your life that determines your transformation of consciousness.

Challenges will always be there to experience, it is how empowered you have become to deal with them that determines your transformation of consciousness.

I want you to be aware and know that every experience in your life is neutral and that you are the ONE that gives it meaning.

If you really want to transform your consciousness, then it is time to stop complaining about the cards you have been dealt in this game and start to play your hand the best way you can.

Remember, you are the players and the dealer in this game.

Every experience is your creation and it is yours alone, take full responsibility and stop blaming the outer illusion, use the outer illusion as your friend and transform yourself with it.

Bashar (a being from our future time line sums it up perfectly).

There is- “The illusion of power or the power of illusion”

The illusion of power is your need to have power and control over times, places, events, people and life experiences, to create the life you prefer, and the power of the illusion is for you to be aware of the outer illusion (the mirror) and use it to transform your consciousness.

Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all – You are – silly.

Our outer reality is the mirror that will always show us what informational frequency we are vibrating at – use it wisely.

Always remember the mirror never lies!!!!

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  1. Lisa Nelson says:

    I am , is with me!

  2. Well I don't know, my being broke and not being able to find a job as yet doesn't sound or feels like an illusion to me….just saying

  3. Paul Birnie says:

    The world is an illusion, however the experience you experience by participating in the illusion is very real indeed. Just like when you go and watch a very intense movie. The movie is not real, but the internal experience of emotion and thoughts are. And it is your internal experience, your thoughts, behavior and emotional response to the life experience that determines the vibration and nature of your future life experiences.

  4. Chrissy Noel says:

    Well then by this logic, since I am the creator I have the right to say I don't want to experience and take myself out of the game. And since everything is an illusion anything it should be all good, yea?

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