How to Manifest an Amazing Life in Alignment with your Soul Purpose


happiness & freedom

The Law of Attraction works best when one is living and creating from a place of inspiration. The same inspiration is a natural result of aligning yourself to your True Purpose (aka ‘soul purpose’). Manifesting from a place of alignment to one’s Higher Self is joyful, easier and more abundant than manifesting from a place of obligation, resistance and plugging away at something you do not really want to be doing. Once you understand this – you will find that creating your ideal life can be a more joyful, light and expansive endeavor.

Joy is a barometer of being on the path that is in alignment with your Higher Self. Check to see if the path you are on right now is joyful and energizing. Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable. If life seems like a slog, perhaps there is scope for change.

Never be afraid to change path if your current path no longer has heart or resonates with where you want to be for heart energy is the sustenance for all of human life.

In terms of work – the key is to find something that we love doing, something we are skilled at AND something that pays well. Unless your work meets all three of those criteria – it will not be sustainable in the longer term. Joy exists when you work at the intersection of all three criteria. Make changes consciously rather than plugging away in an outdated and outgrown model of working that no longer serves.

Here are five things to bear in mind when it comes to manifesting your ideal life..

1. Get Soul Agreement. Before doing, creating or manifesting ANYTHING – take some time to find out what your vision is. Your Highest Vision. Your Soul Purpose – free from self-doubt, belittlement and disbelief. Whatever label you ascribe to your Higher Self (Universe, God, Soul, Source, etc) – the process is the same. Find out what is in alignment with that energy and create from there. Doing this is the perfection of self-love.

Otherwise you will create a big knot in your energy channels and the inspiration will slow up or stop altogether!

Make sure you are doing what you want to be doing on a deep level. Doing what you love, doing what resonates with you and doing something you believe in. The abundance will then naturally follow suit once you respect and value your Higher Self and the inspiration it gives you.

2. Know What You Want!

Before you can have an amazing life you need to have a good idea of what an amazing life means for YOU. We all have different definitions of what constitutes a good life. Do not embark of the journey of creation until you have enough information in this area!

Creation works best when you are conscious of the blueprint that you want to work from. Moving through life in random directions and allowing yourself to be carried by random circumstance will not be so fulfilling. To be able to take command of your reality, a strong degree of vision is required.


Dream Big

Do not go out into the experience of life without some kind of plan or vision. Otherwise you will become prone to changing your mind on a whim or getting distracted at the drop of a hat and then finding yourself wondering what happened weeks or months down the line.

The more you are clear on what it is you want, the easier it will be to attract it into your life. Make knowing what you want part of your daily practice. Do not be afraid to change it if that is in alignment with your new truth. Life changes and so will you. Stay attuned to your own truth so as to stay in the flow of creation. Stay connected at all times.

If you really have no idea what you want – this is the area to work on right away. If life is totally insane and busy right now take a sabbatical, a retreat or a vacation in conducive surroundings and set the intention to discover yourself on a deeper level. You may have to make some space in your life to engage with this journey on a deeper level. Make friends with yourself and become okay with being in silent dialogue with your deeper self.

Here you will find your answers and your clarity.

3. Take Sustenance Regularly

Taking sustenance is about nurturing your relationship with the Universe in whatever form works for you. In my life, I often spend time swimming in rivers, sun-gazing, meditating, climbing mountains and listening to music. All of these activities are positively self-affirming and reinforce your happy relationship with yourself.

River Nature

Take Sustenance in Nature

If you do not master the art of taking sustenance, depletion will follow and then it will be difficult for you to attract and create what you want in your life. Instead you will attract things that will further deplete you of your vital ‘Source Energy’ creating frustration and misalignment.

The added benefit of taking sustenance is that you will be open to receiving guidance with regard to inspired actions. Inspired actions are those actions that take you closer to manifesting what you want in your life. Be aware of complacency – thinking that you do not need to take sustenance. We all need to stay sustained in every moment of our lives. Develop an awareness of your current energetic state and learn how to take additional sustenance from nature before you become depleted.

Once you lose your awareness of your current energetic state and depletion happens – you will then have a hole in your energy field that will cost you time and energy (and thus money) to refill!

If the notion of taking sustenance seems alien or unfamiliar to you – it may be that you need to open up to yourself in a more playful and loving way. Meditate and allow yourself to bask in the energy of Source. If there is no time – make the time in your life for sustaining activities to happen.

4. Respect Your Gifts. Do not devalue your gifts or allow them to be degraded or desecrated. Your gifts may not be appropriate for everyone. Find your place to serve – the place that feels joyful and energizing.

The more you respect what you are given from your Higher Self – the easier it will be to receive more inspiration whenever you need it. It costs you time and energy to create anything. Respect yourself, your body and your life so that you do not deplete yourself whilst inspiring others. If you do not value these things – how can you expect others to do likewise?

Included with this is charging your true worth, respecting yourself and operating from a place of balance. Do not stress your Higher Self by undervaluing yourself. The idea is that your gifts are there to sustain you in an abundant state for life!

5. Create Strong Intentions. 

Manifestation is assisted by the power of strong and focussed intent (purpose). So one needs to be very clear as to what you want and most importantly why you want it – the purpose of the manifestation. Otherwise the Universe will be unable to deliver. This is because the energy of creation is a very focussed and clear energy. Understanding your purpose is a way of focussing and clearing your own energy field so that you get vibrationally aligned to the manifestation you seek.

When you have the intent – you give the Universe a good case for supporting you. The energy of Universal Creation does not support a lack of clarify, doubt and vagueness. Take it upon yourself to be extremely clear within yourself and to the Universe as to what you intent is. Be as detailed as necessary within when visualizing your manifestation requests.

Affirm your ability and willingness to take action.

In many Law of Attraction groups I see attachments to pictures of flowers and sunshine, along with pictures of other similar things that invoke feeling – and these are very popular. However invoking feeling is only the first part of the process of manifesting.

I rarely see the second part – which is the affirmation to do action from a place of strong clarity and intent. Manifestation requests based on emotional instability or sentimentality without intent soon get lost in the ethers without a grounding in action.

Learn how to manage your emotional energy and direct it with a strong intent. Your emotions are very powerful and can enable you to create all kinds of amazing scenarios with ease once the ability to direct them is in place. By all means dream and imagine what you want whilst invoking emotional positivity. But be sure to follow through so that the emotional energy invoked does not go to waste. Intent and action are two efficient ways of preventing the leakage of emotional energy and grounding the emotional vehicle into the process of Earthly creation. Then your dream has a chance of becoming reality.

Shared with the permission from Law of Attraction/ Life Mastery Coach Free Spirit


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