Life After Death

Is There Life After Death?


Near Death Experience

If we are infinite oneness beings, then death cannot exist.

It is only our bodies that die during the experience we call death and our bodies are really only a holographic projection of our consciousness, a persona that we as souls use to experience the human experience game with.

The persona who has a personality construct, is a critical part of the manifestation system within this physical reality. It is the combination of the persona and its personality construct via its five senses that decodes and gives meaning to the soul’s physical experiences. The environment and every moment, circumstances, belief, thought, emotion and behavior the persona experiences in its physical reality is relayed back to the soul and stored in its energy bubble, whereby  the experience is transmitted to its higher aspects of  itself and oneness.

Life After Death

Six years ago, Trudy van der Spuy  a good friend of mine passed away in her sleep. Trudy was a spiritual teacher who helped thousands of people move onto a path of awakening through her teaching of Reiki, Karuna Ki, Hypnotherapy and many other spiritual modalities.

Her vast love, knowledge and passion for souls to awaken is truly missed.

Trudy, who was my first facilitator and a believer of life after death, led me 16 years ago into awakening to oneness through Self-empowerment, Reiki and Karuna Ki. The information I received from Trudy, was my first stepping stone along my new life journey.

I thank her with all my heart, as if it wasn’t for Trudy, I would not be sitting in front of this computer and typing this post.

My only regret was that I was not able to attend her farewell tribute, as this fell on the same day and time as my stepmother’s funeral. This I found extremely extraordinary, as the likelihood of two funerals of people who were close to me, and who had no relationship to each other, had their funerals scheduled on the same day and time.

My stepmother, Cynthia, who also believed in life after death – health slowly deteriorated after an uncomplicated knee operation about four years before her passing. During that operation, she had terrible side-effects from the anesthesia, which caused her to have a (NDE) near death experience.

Her NDE confirmed her already cemented belief that, in fact, some kind of life experience still exists after death.

She told me that during her NDE, she met her brother who died a few years before. She said that her brother told her that she can pass on or go back to her physical experience, the choice was up to her.

She said that even though she had a great urge and wanted to pass on, she felt that she would rather come back, as she strongly felt that she would still like to spend some more time with her husband and family and did not want to cause them more grief with her passing.

That was Cynthia for you, always putting others before herself.

The terrible side effects of the anesthesia resulted in her having to take all sorts of different medication and unfortunately for Cynthia, the medication affected her joints and bones, causing them to lose their density and crumble, thus leaving her in severe pain on a daily basis.

One day out of the blue, Cynthia called me and asked if I could come over to see her to discuss something of great importance.  I went to see her and over a cup of tea, Cynthia told me that due to her immobility and constant pain, she no longer wanted to be here on this planet. She asked me if I knew how she could leave without taking her own life, as she was a devout Christian and suicide was definitely not an option for her.

My suggestion to her was that she had to make peace with leaving her family, and that she would have to accept that the family will have pain initially due to her passing, but the pain will pass in the future.

The other thing she needed to do was to tell God that she was ready to leave this physical realm, and ask God if he/she would take her back through the same light that she experienced four years prior, during her NDE.

Cynthia thought for a while, and said that she felt comfortable with what I had suggested and that she would begin to implement the suggestion that evening.

She passed away 6 days later, confirming to me that when you truly believe there is life after death, you have no fear of death. Once you have decide to leave this physical realm for one reason or another, all you need to do is have the will to leave,  make peace with everything in your life and just let go.

(And I don’t mean suicide, as that is usually leaving this physical realm in an un-peaceful state, with unfinished business to complete).

When focused, the mind and imagination is extremely powerful. I have known many people to pass on simply by ‘willing’ it. My grandmother passed away at the age of 90 by simply having her family and friends over for tea and when they had finished, she said “good night and good-bye”. She got up and went through to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed and left her body in an instant, (the Buddhists do this all the time).

The NDE that Cynthia experienced was familiar to most of NDE case studies that have been reported. The main theme is that as they leave their body, they see a light in the distance which becomes closer – forming a tunnel that engulfs their entire being.

The light gives them a sense of total love and bliss with a sense of timelessness, and a feeling of returning home, as they pass through the tunnel of light, their relatives who passed on prior to them are waiting for them with open hearts and expressing pure love for them.

It sounds like an awesome experience for sure.

When they are in the light, they are given a complete review of the life they lived in an instance and are always given the option to return to their life experience.

You might say, how can everyone be given the option to carry on their life experience?

What if their body is in a state that can no longer sustain life?

That can be quite complicated to explain, but this is possible to understand once you understand the parallel worlds concept. As in the parallel worlds concept, there are infinite versions of a persona and its life experiences. Therefore, if for some reason the soul wants to carry on with its life experience, but the body is in a state whereby it is no longer able to sustain life, the soul returns to a parallel life where it never died.

However, the parallel world where the persona died remains the same and there is a funeral held for that persona.

Most scientists, who do not believe in life after death, say that when people have an NDE they are hallucinating when seeing their dead relatives and that the tunnel of light they see is caused by the brain switching off.

This theory was challenged when a lady called Pam Reynold had a very profound NDE during an operation to remove a large basilar tip aneurysm from her brain.

pam_reynoldThe operation nicknamed “stand still” is a very complex operation. During the operation her body temperature was lowered to 60 degrees, her heart and breathing stopped, brain waves flattened and the blood was drained from her head. Her body and brain was clinically dead with no active brain waves registering from her brain and during the whole operation all the machines attached to her body had shown no activity.

After the operation, she was able to describe the whole procedure, even the instruments and the conversation taking place between the doctors and nurses. She said that she was hovering above one of the doctors who was performing the operation and as she was observing the operation on her body then she heard someone calling her.

At that moment, she saw a light in the distance and felt a huge “pull” towards it and as she got closer to the tunnel, the light became brighter and brighter. She said that in the tunnel of light there were some of her deceased relatives, uncles and aunts. She especially could remember her grandmother calling her, not hearing in a normal manner, but more in a telepathic way.

They told her not to go too far, because if she goes too far into the light, she cannot go back.

Towards the end of her NDE, one of her uncles took her back through the tunnel to her body, but when she saw her body she did not want to go back into it, so her uncle gave her a friendly push.

She said that going back into her body was like diving into an icy swimming pool.


What did you think about Pam Life After Death Video?

Scientists are always looking for another theory to explain that there is no life after death and as they do, there always seems to be another profound case of NDE that they cannot explain. One thing for sure, is when they die they will have their answer and find out that it’s wisdom that takes one to the truth and not intellect.

When we die, we simply move our soul’s consciousness awareness into another frequency range, which is outside our five sense reality.

Whatever belief we have about what happens when we die, we will experience it.

If we are a Christian, we will see heaven or Jesus. A Muslim will experience Allah; an atheist will experience darkness and nothing, but will soon realize that he/she still exists  without a body.

Therefore, they will come to the realisation that they still exist and will start to believe in something else and whatever that something else is, he/she will experience it.

However, not all experiences are pleasant, as my wife’s uncle who had an NDE, experienced a devil like creature chasing him.

Therefore, I think it is better to have a positive belief about life after death, as what you believe to be true, you will experience.


British Scientists Confirm Life After Death is Real.


A great movie that portrays life after death is; “Which Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams.



If you believe in and fear the devil enough, that is what you will create after death. The afterlife is no different to this reality, your belief is information that creates your vibration, therefore your vibration creates your reality, Whatever you vibrate at when you die, will determine your next creation in the afterlife.


what dreams may come


The quantum field is the canvas where the artist of consciousness paints its reality from the palette of belief.



Near Death Experience Website 

About the Author:  My name is Paul Birnie, and I am the creator of ‘ The Secret of Manifestation”.  I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this article. Please feel free to share this article, as The Secret of Manifestation is dedicated to sharing information on spiritual awakening subjects. I am also the creator of the Oneness Pendant and writer of the book “The Secret of Manifestation’ that can be purchased at

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  1. willem jako jordaan says:

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