To Judge Yourself & Others is Pointless & Extremely Self-Destructive


In an earlier post, I wrote about the many different perspectives we have on the information that we receive on a daily basis and how we interpret the information as being true or false.

We used an example about the sacred geometry shape of the Star of David and how many different points of view there is about it, and whether it is good or is it evil.

Amethyst_Pendant1Over many years I have come in contact with many people who say that my Oneness Pendant is evil because of its Star of David shape, and therefore because I sell it, I must be part of the Satan agenda.

Strangely… those who judge me, know nothing about me and what my philosophy of life is.

In fact, they are judging me from their beliefs of what they believe to be true, and what they believe to be true will be true for them, which is not necessarily my belief.

My philosophy of life is very simple; what you put out is what you get back.

I believe that whatever frequency we vibrate at a soul level, will be experienced as manifestations in our physical reality.

Our soul’s vibration is created by our life experiences, intentions, focus, beliefs, emotions, thoughts actions and other hidden frequencies within our soul that we cannot see.

Therefore, if I am part of the Satan agenda, then Satan must own my soul and my soul’s vibration must be in alignment with the vibration of Satan. Thus, due to the fact that what you put out you get back, my reflective life experiences should be of the vibratory frequency of Satan.

However, this is not the case; my life experiences are full of peace, happiness, health, wealth, and abundance, whereby I have the time and freedom to do what I want to do whenever I want to do it.

It was not always like this, for the first 38 years of my life, my negative ego personality construct owned my soul and created its life experiences, therefore living a life of stress, frustration, anger and chaos and experienced negative life experiences.

I must say, it took a lot of perseverance and faith over the last 14 years to transform myself into a happier, healthy, wealthy and peaceful person.

The way I see it, Satan is not something that lies on the outside of us, but rather it is the manifested negative ego personality construct that is a manifestation of the low vibrations within our soul. When our soul is in this state of being, the soul’s manifestations are created by the negative ego personality construct and its experiences.

In other words, it is the combination of the negative personality construct, its circumstances and how it perceives the world around it that creates the soul’s experiences.

Let us look at the geometric shape of the Star of David and see it from a positive perspective, rather than a negative one.

The Star of David is a six pointed star, with no centre.

There is a truth that the Illuminati uses this six pointed star in their rituals to contact and manifest the dark forces.

Arizona Wilder, a mind controlled agent of the Illuminati said in an interview with David Icke on You Tube that the Illuminati etched a six pointed star on the ground, whereby she stood in the centre and use her very powerful psychic power to call on and manifest the dark forces in the centre of the symbol.

When the dark forces manifested inside the six pointed star symbol, the Illuminati were able to communicate with the dark forces. Moreover, the dark forces were unable to move outside the centre of the six pointed star, as it acted as a barrier between their dimension and ours.

They used this symbol simply because it is a powerful amplifier of energy and is the doorway/vortex to an infinite amount of different vibratory realities within ‘all that is’, including the doorway back to Oneness.

It is not the shape of the six pointed star that makes the sacred geometry shape good or evil. It is the intension, the vibration that is focused on, and placed inside the centre of it that defines its vibration, hence its outcome of good or evil.

The truth is, there is  no good or evil, there is only different vibrations of experiences that souls can choose to experience, one is not better than the other, as all is ‘JUST IS’.

All creation of ‘all that is’ is always created from the centre outwards, as the centre of any creation is the informational hub of that creation, such as the big bang.

When human beings are being formed, the first organ created is the heart and then the body is created around the heart.

The heart in the human being is the gateway to Oneness, as this is where the divine spark resides that project’s out its physical reality in holographic form.

The Oneness pendant is designed with the intension to ignite the soul’s divine spark by directing a high vibratory Oneness energy to the centre stone that is encased within the Star of David geometry.

The Star of David geometry amplifies, enhances, connects and synchronizes the directed vibratory intension with the same vibration that is contained within ‘all that is’.

This in-turn raises the vibration of the soul and re-aligns it back to its original vibration, hence the soul once again takes back its creative power from the negative personality construct and creates manifestations of who it really is “unlimited infinite abundance”.

As I have previously said, “What you put out as a vibration, you will experience as a physical manifestation”.

I would like to suggest that someone who judges something as evil that they should take note that what they see in their outer reality is nothing but a reflection of themselves in one way or another.

When we stop judging each other as right or wrong and good or evil, we will stop seeing ourselves separate from each other, and be able to see ourselves as all part of the ONE.

I want to share with you some statements, which I received from Oneness many years ago.

The Oneness Statements

The statements I am about to make to you are the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me, me. (Oneness has a great sense of humour don’t you think)

You are a very powerful creator who lives in a creative world and the other people in your world are also creators whom you co-create with.

In this creative world, there is no good or bad, right or wrong – there are only different creative experiences…..

You are a product of your past experiences and these experiences have formed your beliefs, and you perceive and give meaning to the world from those beliefs.

Every creator in your world has formed their own beliefs and perceptions of how the world should be. Therefore, how you perceive the world determines who you are, and who you are, is how you perceive the world.

Now that you have this knowledge and wisdom… you can now come to the realization that as a creator of your world you always have a choice…

Maybe you might not have the choice to change an experience in that moment of time, but you always have the choice how you perceive and react to the experience.

Understand that the other creators in your creation might not be the same as yourself and do not have the same beliefs as you. This does not make them any less or more than you are – in any way. It is only their perception of the world that is different from yours.

So it is pointless comparing yourself to them and society, because as I said there is only belief and perception… no wrong or right, good or bad.

They process their lives from what they believe to be true, which is perfect and is their truth, as is what you believe, is perfect and is your truth.

You are both perfect Creators in your own ways – you must respect that.

You are a powerful creator and you have the choice to choose a creative world or a competitive and comparing world. In a competitive and comparing world, people always see themselves as better than or worse than other people.

People are always looking at other people and society for their guideline of who they are or what they should be. Anything that is different from themselves, is seen as wrong, or inferior, less than or more than.

Their world is a limited illusionary world that keeps them bound in endless sadness, anger and frustration.

Fortunately for you at the core of your being;  you are peace and love, and that peace and love can be expressed in your physical reality at any moment you choose.  And that is not all that you have at the core of being that is waiting for you to express into you physical world at any moment you choose.

You have unlimited creations.

You have infinite joy, abundance, wealth and happiness.

You have confidence, success, beauty, humour and loving energy.

You have respect and honour for yourself and others without judgment.

You have inspiration and the ability to take action when necessary.

You are a special being who is loved at all times.

You are more than a physical being… you are an expression and co-creator of ONE energy.

The one energy known as Oneness – THEREFORE YOU ARE ONESSES………

If the six pointed star is so evil then why does it appear in water as water crystals once the vibration of words of love, thank you, truth, happiness, appreciation, compassion and peace are directed to it.

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

This was taken from Dr Maseru Emotto book “Messages from water”.



ONENESS is in all water that flows freely and is in harmony. Whatever the water connects with transfers its high vibration to it, thus affecting it in a profound manner, and this includes our bodies and planet, which both comprises of 70% water.

Therefore, every human being that is in harmony has these sacred geometry shapes of water crystals embedded within them; hence they have the access to infinite abundance at all times.

All one needs to do is, realise this, live in harmony and connect!!!!

Here is a picture from Stuart Wilde. He calls it the portal and doorway to a trillion realities his website can be found here if there was ever a man who has ventured out into the matrix and beyond it is him he has a vast amount of knowledge.   


Stuart Wilde

“It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who
you are — not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down,
the spirit within — that you can begin to take control.”
—Oprah Winfrey: Television host, publisher, and book critic

About the Author:  My name is Paul Birnie, and I am the creator of ‘ The Secret of Manifestation”.  I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this article. Please feel free to share this article, as The Secret of Manifestation is dedicated to sharing information on spiritual awakening subjects. I am also the creator of the Oneness Pendant and writer of the book “The Secret of Manifestation’ that can be purchased at

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  1. Well explained Thank you!

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